Wednesday 9 May 2012


Oh what a month March was, I actually have no idea where it went. So lets start at the beginning. On the 10th was my first big event of the month. My host mom, her friend, and I went and saw a ballet titled "Giselle" . It was preformed by the Prague National Ballet but had travelled to Hradec. It was a very beautiful story line and the dancing was fantastic. After the ballet I went to the city with some friends.

The next day (11th) my friend Emily came for a visit untill the 12th. During the day we went to coffee with a girl who I met in Hradec who last year travelled to the USA for one year. It was a really nice time where we just drank coffee and talked. After coffee Emily and I hit the mall in search of spring clothing, Which we never found. After dinner that night we headed to the city to meet with Fernanda, Alex and Jennings, who are all other exchange studnets. We went to a small pub and just hung out, though it may not sound fun we had a great time just being together.
Just Chilln'

The next weekend on friday night (16th) was my friend Tereza's 18th birthday party. Just like in Alberta 18 is the legal age and is also the year teens in the Czech can get there drivers. So we had a big party to celebrate. The party started at 9 and I headed home at 1 (a little early) but I had a great time with everyone.
Some of the people at the party

The rest of the weekend was great as well. It was the first really nice weekend of spring in the Czech. On Saturday we hit a high of 22C. Then on Sunday because the weather was great my host mom took me to Prague for the day! We went to some major tourist sites and also did a bit of shopping. That day in Prague the temperture was about 24C,which was rather lovely for the beginning of March.
Me with the Heart for Vaclav Havel (made from the mourning candles)

From the 24th-30th of March I travelled to Slovakia for a week long ski camp organized by rotary. During the week we had instructors who taught us to ski and snowboard and were on the slopes from 9am-3pm. In the afternoons we had free time. At our hotel we had access to a pool, sauna, game room and other things. Durning the week we also visted an ice cave, hot springs and the town Lipkoskey Mikulas. On one of the days rotary also organized a snow carnavil, where we wore masks and just played some games. The last night of ski week we all head to a disco on the ski resort. Though it was a Thursday and was not very busy we still had a grand time dancing and singing together. This week was amazing, it was great to spend such a long time with the other exchange students ( usually only spend a weekend together). I discovered that skiing is definatly not for me but I am really happy I was able to attend this event  :D

The weekend after ski week (31-1st) my host mom and I went a visited her parents in a Czech village called Sity. We mostly just relaxed and in the evening on saturday we baked. I made a pastry and my host mom made a typical sheep shaped cake for easter.

So that pretty much wraps up March!