Saturday 10 March 2012


February was defiantly the month of my exchange that I feel blah about.  It was like boring but not boring. I really do not know how to explain it. It just nothing was really super exciting but nothing was bad. So I will tell you about it.

So the first weekend of the month I went to my last ball. It was a really interesting experience because well my friends and I didn’t even have tickets. We end up going waiting outside for 10 min and then a friend of theirs came outside and gave us cut wrist bands and taped them on our wrists. The ball was a lot of fun and I didn’t get home till around 3:30am. 

On the 5th of February my host mom left for London for two weeks, leaving me alone with her mother for that time. It was a really interesting  because her mom speaks absolutely no English once so ever. During this time I also started going to the gym regularly. I now go to the gym three or four times and week for 1.5-2 hours.

 On the 11th of February I went on a huge shopping trip with my exchange friend Emily to the neighbouring city of Pardubice. It was a great day of shopping. We spent 5 hours at the shopping centre and both bought a lot of new clothing items. 

On the 13th of February my class teacher pulled me out of class and invited me to go on a history project trip to Poland with her and some students from the 14th-18th.  As it was a chance to get out of school and meet new people, I decided to go. On the 14th we left Hradec at 10:30am and arrived in Pszczyna Poland at 4:30pm . While there we stayed with families and spoke English because the kids found it hard to understand each other even though the languages are similar. I stayed with a guy and his family, who were very welcoming and kind. During the day I was super board because I was not expecting to go on this trip so I had not done any research or prepared once so ever for the project. In the afternoons, however, I had a lot of fun. On the 14th we went just to a pub and met with some of the group but I also meet a lot of polish people eager to speak English with me. On Wednesday a group of us hope a train and went to a neighbouring city to play laser tag. Laser tag was way more fun than I ever imagined it to be. Thursday was the best night of the whole trip. About 95% of the group all meet at a local disco for Karaoke night. We drank a little, sang a lot and it was all around a really good night. Being super tired from the night before Friday was a bad night for me. I really didn’t want to go to the disco but since it was the last night I went. All around I am glad I went on the trip to Poland. I meet some really nice people and it was a good experience. I arrived home on Saturday at 6:30pm.

My host mom came home on Saturday as well. The week after Poland I had my spring break. It was a rather dull holiday for me because my host mom was very sick after coming home from London and so we did nothing special. On the Tuesday however, I went and got my hair cut for the first time ever in the Czech Republic. Now a couple weeks later I really like my new hair but when I first cut it I almost died. The hair dress actually shaved part of the back of my hair... Pictures will be included below.  This week I also went shopping due to the fact I ripped my favourite pair of jeans and needed new ones. My week vacation was relaxing but I do wish I would have done more. 
 Side one
 The back.. it looks wayyy better when I do it myself , but this was right after I got it cut.
 Side two
 Yup that's my new hair cut.

So in to the first week and a bit of March, this month is defiantly looking up. On 3rd my host mom and I went and saw the Oscar winning film “The Artist”. If you haven’t seen it you should go. It is literally a black and white silent film. I felt so classy and like I lived in the twenties while I watched it. It was a truly refreshing film. On the 6th we went and saw “The Iron Lady” which was also fantastic. I totally understand why both of these films won the Oscar’s they did. Also (I think) a must see film for movie lovers. 

I cannot believe how quick time is flying. It feels like yesterday that I was terrified/ excited getting on a plane to the Czech Republic. I have around four months left of my exchange and I know they will go by so quickly.
To all those who are missing me just remember,  I will be back before you know it.
Much Love