Sunday 28 August 2011

What a week!!

On Sunday I left Grande Prairie and my family at 9:00am. I arrived in Calgary where I ended up getting lost in the airport for about an hour. When I finally figured out where I had to go it turned out that I had to go through security again. From Calgary I flew to Frankfurt which is a rather long flight. I did not sleep at all on this flight instead I watched 3 movies trying to pass the time.  When I arrived in Frankfurt I became very confused and again got lost in the airport. After going through security for a third time I made it to my gate just in time to catch my plane to Prague. In Prague I was greeted by my host family with a sign that said “Welcome Morganne”. Once we finally got to Hradec Kralove after getting lost in Prague for a bit,  my familyand I went out for lunch. Lunch here is the biggest meal of the day which I am not use to but hey not going to complain. After lunch we drove through Hradec Kralove which by the way is BEAUTIFUL! Then finally headed home. My family’s house is rather big and is a little bit outside of town. They have a basketball hoop,  trampoline, a small pool and a sitting area all in their yard.
On Tuesday my host family including a host cousin took me to a beach, which was clothing optional. This really was not a big deal except for the fact the only people walking around naked were old men, so it was kind of awkward lol.That night we biked into the city going past my school then into the old square for pizza. There and back it was probably a 10km bike ride. 
Wednesday my host mom and sister took me to an aqua park in a neighbouring village. It was very busy and there were too many people. To put into prospective it was like the entire town of Wembley all going to one small swimming pool.
Thursday my host family took me on a canoeing trip down one of the rivers in Hradec Kralove which was a lot of fun. Picnic lunch, lots of swimming and soaking up the sun was how we spent our day.
On Friday we did the exact same thing but without my host mom and with family friends. They were two very fun days!
Saturday morning we packed up some food and clothes and headed out to the family cottage which is in the mountains. The mountains in the Czech Republic are more like hills compared to the Rockies but still it was a very nice trip.
Today we came home from the mountains and just relaxed. Later on Alejandro, who is one of the other inbounds in Hradec Kralove came over and visited.
I already feel at home here in the Czech Republic, the language is difficult but I am trying and I am sure once I go to school it will be easier.

Saturday 20 August 2011

I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane

So tomorrow is the big day! I will be leaving GP at 9am and will arrive Monday at 9:10am in Prague. I am so excited and ready for this amazing adventure!  Not to sound to conceited but I am pretty proud of myself for getting involved in this excellent program, it will be the most amazing year of my life. I feel as though this isn't really happening. I do not think that it will hit me till I am actually on the plane to Frankfurt. Well I know this post is short but I do not know how to put everything I am feeling together in words.
Well until next time