Saturday 9 July 2011

A few bumps in the road.

As of today I am 44 days away from my departure date (August 21st).  Right now you would think I would be worried about what to pack, how to get through airports, and such but that's not exactly what I am thinking/worried about.  As of today I have still not applied for my long term Czech Visa. It is not like I am putting off the process, it's that the papers from the Czech that I need to apply got lost during the mail strike of Canada Post. The even worst part of this whole situation is the fact that it takes 60 days for a long term Czech Visa to be approved. Since I have no way of knowing where these papers are, this problem could push my departure date as late as the middle of September.

Not only would I not be in the Czech for the first day of school but that would mean I would be in Canada when all my friends start Grade 12. Though I knew not graduating with my friends was part of this program, and I totally believe it is worth it, I just think it would make it that much harder being here when they start school.

Another thing that I realllllllly do not want to miss is the first inbound weekend in Slovakia. This is where all of the inbounds in district 2240 get together and pretty much just bond.  I am hoping that I can make it to this event!  I am super excited to meet everyone and though there will be other weekends I do not want to miss this one.

I am hoping that there is a way for me still to leave on my scheduled date.