Sunday 8 May 2011

A little more information

The Czech Republic, not a common place you would think of visiting but that's exactly where I will be spending my year as an Rotary Exchange Student. I will be living in a city called Hradec Králové, which is only an hour away from Prague!!  My Rotary district in the Czech is actually a combined district with Slovakia. So I will most likely be spending quite a bit of time in Slovakia as well! Between the two countries there will be fifty RYE students from all over the world. Out of those fifty only fifteen of us are in the Czech. Luckily for me there will be two other RYE students living in the same city as me. I am not sure the exact date that I am leaving for the Czech; the only thing I know is I have to arrive between August 20th-30th.

Right now I have around 3.5 months left in Canada which is rather terrify, since it only feels like yesterday that I received the phone call that I was accepted into the RYE program. When people ask me if I am nervous about spending my year abroad I say no. I have never been more excited for something in my entire life. I have dream of become an exchange student ever since I was little and for it to finally become a reality is breathtaking! I know my year away is going to change my life forever; I am extremely lucky and blessed to have been given such an amazing opportunity.  I am so grateful and thankful to the people who have given me this gift.